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Egg and Bacon Treats

This is a nice breakfast treat and a lovely change from the usual egg and bacon combo. It combines the bacon and egg in a nice little cupcake shape. You can have the bacon perfectly cooked with a runny egg or a firm egg, how I prefer it. This recipe is all about choice, just like traditionally cooking an egg, this is all about how you prefer it.

What You Need

1 egg

1 rasher of bacon

Greaseproof paper

1 cupcake tray

These ingredients are enough to make one treat

How You Make It

First, heat the oven up to 180 degrees celsius or 170 for fan assisted ovens. Now, cut the fat off the bacon and just the oval bit should remain, however, if you prefer, you can leave the fat on, it will also help the bacon to cook to a crispier finish if that is how you prefer it. It is important that you now line the cupcake tray with greaseproof paper all the way round or the egg will stick to the tray as I have found out trying this recipe for my blog.

Now, let’s start assembling this treat: first, cover the greaseproof paper with the bacon

and crack the egg into it if you have let in some shell, then take it out before it goes in the oven. Now pop in the oven for as long as it takes to cook the egg to your preference, every time I have tried it, the bacon has been perfectly cooked, when the egg is done to my liking, this takes about twenty minutes.